Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Revival Post!

Hi to everyone(if anyone) who stops by. I have been very much of a publicity phobiac; ok in simple terms i prefer to keep my thoughts to myself. And since my blog will mostly contain what i think i prefer if i keep it private. But alas! there are a few wicked souls in this world (read Rohan Singh) who will find a way to intrude. So for them i havehad to once a while break the icing.

Well its been a long time since anything was posted here. Lot has happened. Lot has changed. Yet i have written nothing about them. Will i be writing about them? I dont know. Maybe. Its easier to write about the past than present coz you know, as they say, the "happies endings" of those snippets or short stories. But there's a lot more to write about present and future too. There more excitement in fantasy than classic. Lets see.

So letting this post conclude here, i hope i will put my lazy brain cells to work this time and put up some good posts here. Good luck to that and to you who passed by. See you soon. :)