Thursday, September 13, 2007

Politics everywhere

Politics--this is key mantra to succeed in kgp. No matter how good you are you have to face it time and again. It seems as if the most talented bunch of Indians who come here want to take the whole burden of representing Indian political scenario on their own shoulders. And who are the victims??? Obviously people like us who hate to be a part of it. First you use politics to get a post then you take advantage of that post to politicize your career as if it was not enough. Have all the professors gone blind??? All responsible people gone deaf and cowards???
We blame our politicians for the downfall of our country. I now believe it is the politics we play in our daily life which is degrading our country. We have become or are so selfish we simply don't care where our society is heading as long as our own lives are at peace and we have a clear passport and an enjoyable ticket to London. Is the Gymkhana posts meant to be held by people who have influenced their seniors ?? Or by those who can win the favour of the people in general?? No here nothing matters. People plagiarise others' profiles; use contacts for placements within TnP. Then whats the use??? End the credit it gets...

Why can't we protest?? Why can't we speak?? Because we have noone to actually hear and take action. Today i am suffering so i speak but am not being heard. Tomorrow i will be able to hear but there might not be anyone to speak. Thats how we have degraded and this will continue as long as this attitude continues....." Ye India hai yahan aisa hi hota rahega?? "

Why does a foreigner ask me in a personal interview about the corruption in Bihar and not about any one good point in Bihar?? Because we have proved ourselves best at nothing else... Its a shame not only for Bihar but for the whole of India because all are the same only scales of magnitude are different..

Saturday, August 18, 2007


I wrote it long ago...after Kshitij in Feb.. Just wanted it to be on my blog so posted it..

.:ROBOTIX:. ---This name no longer needs an introduction not even all over India leave alone KGP. Ya, reading ritwik's blog inspired me to write something.
Just a gap of one year and we have our participation doubled; 546 teams was a reality which never was dreamed of. When we first sat down to estimate the "worst case scenario"- the term Choubey introduced to us, we had ourselves ceasing at a "meagre"(now so it seems) sum of 386 teams. As far as i remember,we expected a maximum of 150 teams in LR and SC each , 30-40 in RTI, Approximately 20 in GN and 50 total in coding events. And it all crossed that mark as peacefully as it could. We just panicked at this number and joked that we would have turned psychos if this number turned true. Bhaddo and Apurva even betted at a total of near 300; ain't i right???
But as the reality unfolds its more than true that we have all managed an event bigger than whatever we could have imagined in our wildest dreams--as one of my teachers often remarked "wild imaginations": i feel this phrase rightly fits in here. And yet we managed it with all professionalism and perfection as we could. kudos to all first years!! You guys really did a good job. And to the rest i dont think myself able enough to remark on their work. Its really a great time to for all of us; a time to reflect, a time to sit together and enjoy odd moments of those four days- the way we did that night; to think of those sleepless nights when i slept a little late the next morning and then rushed to the arena only to find everyone sleeping yet; to remember all sorts of problems the participants came up with; arguments and chaoses at last moment about 1 mm deviation; when we sometimes made strict rules and then ourselves made it flexible to the largest extent we could; that feel of hunger lingering throughout but no food could be gobbled through; spending the day with a folder and a pen in hand, a stopwatch and a sleepy yet alert vision. A night rather an early morning nap on chairs joined in Maitrayee; that dinner treat in our new lab--all was great enough to linger in memories for ever. Its all gone; yet more is there to come.
We will miss you people- Choubey, Sabya, Golu. As i put in that day its hard to imagine ROBOTIX without you all. Yet we will try to make you even prouder next time.
Three cheers to .:ROBOTIX:.!!!
And cheers to the whole team!!!

My First Post...

Welcoming myself to the world of blogging..
And also inviting you all to share my small space for random thoughts and narrations....

The technology has advanced and with it the world around us. We have moved from dolls to computer games; from class rooms to PC labs; from note-books to Notepad; from diaries to blogs.....but how much have we changed: changed in terms of our beliefs; our emotions. I have yet not made my blog public. The reason for it being the fact that privacy and freedom are things i love the most. I write only what i feel and what i feel i don't want to share or haven't shared as yet with anyone. This is one of the many things absurd about me like i like being alone; roaming to nowhere; speaking to myself and walking in darkness: ya, i love darkness. You might count me as a frenetic but the truth is i am more normal, more cheerful than all people around. The chirpy person who seems to have no load, no tension of the world; who is passionate about everything and seems to most people as a satisfied person. But deep inside i have an urge to be myself, to unveil all my emotions, to avoid smiling when i don't want to, to cry if i feel to, to scream at all and show them how tensed i am. I don't know what to do. I am just waiting for the day when my spirit will free itself from falsehood.

The day when i will roam about in the free sky not caring for anyone with no need to please anyone.
That day.........i know..............will come!!!!