Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Green Sapphires!!!

Green Sapphires......
The name of my blog. When I chose this name for my blog I wanted to have a name which can withhold and express the paradox in my beliefs and ideas. Being paradoxical is the first characteristic of an Aquarian; and I am that to the core.

Sapphires - the blue stones. Though they are present in several colours like yellow, pink and orange; the predominant color is blue. But why green with it. I mean I wanted to show contrast....then is green opposite of blue?? Why did I assume that??

Blue- the colour of sky and the earth; the colour of water
Green - the colour of land(grassland).
Blue - the symbol of purity
Green - the mark of sinister

Somewhere along the line we have been filled with prejudices. The assumption that green is bad and blue is good; assumption that a new moon is sinister and full moon good(though Lord Krishna was born on a new moon); that black is the colour of witches and white of angels(have we ever seen either?).

These assumptions sometimes occur with greater significance like Muslims are terrorists; Bengalis are lazy and Biharis are rule-breakers; Indians are unpunctual and foreigners are rich.

Are we really bound to live with these prejudices? Can't we face everything and everyone with an open mind and make the judgement ourselves?

Why not? Won't it be easier and...for the better?

Monday, September 01, 2008


Tired!!!! Do you feel sometimes.... too tired to continue??
To do what you do do what everyone does...
Too tired to be practical and oriented... to do whats useful and right...
To run fast so as to beat the crowd.. to keep your eyes wide open lest you fall asleep...
Too tired to sit alone..... and too tired to be in the crowd...
To run a mile... to save a smile..... to hold your make a noise..

Everything everywhere seems worthless and effort-full ...
Why is it so?? Why do i feel so?? Why do i want so??
To lie on the grass....and close my eyes...
To feel the dampness of the ground below....
or to see the vastness of the sky above....
To wander aimlessly through the dark....
To sleep after dawn.....or not sleep at all....
and when sleep fear nothing at all....
To live life as today you were born ...
And to enjoy it as today you have to die...
To wonder at the raindrops...
to smile at the passers-by....
To give a blind beggar a vision of the street he lives in everyday....
To drop a chocolate in the bag of a crying child....
To do things which have no meaning.....
And to do things noone will know you did...

To live for not only you ...but the whole world..

Its when you are tired.....dead tired!!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Smile, an everlasting smile...a smile can bring you near to me.......

A smile....really it can do wonders. It can fetch you friends but does it ??? always?? It can fetch you enemies ..quite a lot of times. (those who will envy your happiness) It will sometimes get the work done ; well several times it will earn you a chiding(like during an OP). So does it really help to smile always? Well might be. Else not all would have suggested it. And what about the times when you are taken for granted coz people suppose you dont worry and you dont get hurt since you always smile. I wonder. I wonder and i smile why i do so.

And how easy it is to put on a false one. Isnt it?? there are experts at it. For one example take the politicians. And some pretty big personalities...those known for their charm. Then the politically correct people...the diplomats who will never let you know whats going on in their minds coz they have that everlasting smile pasted on their faces.

So next time i see a smiling person should i believe his smile or not? I doubt so.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

IIT gifted in a paper bag!!!!

Before i scribble out my own views lets have a look at these.....

India's first 'women-IIT' being set up in Maharashtra
Even as there is talk about starting new Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and increasing the number of seats in the existing ones, a move is afoot to open the country's first all-women engineering and technology-oriented institute in Amravati, President Pratibha Patil's hometown in Maharashtra. Patil, concerned about fewer girl students making it to the IITs, personally talked to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and HRD Minister Arjun Singh about the proposal, which apparently led to the speedy progress in the matter. The 'daughter-in-law' of Vidarbha is also being credited for expeditious sanction of funds for up-gradation of Amravati airport and introduction of three trains in Vidarbha.

First the OBC reservation, then six new IITs and now an all-women IIT. Cudos to India and the Indians. We are going to have a score of IITs in our country within a decade. So that means three times more number of IITians and including the present NITs and other engineering colleges almost a quarter of population is going to be technically "engineer-ed". What a vision!! What an effort to transform the whole country into a supposed factory of IITians. Most probably within a decade no more mid-night oils will be burnt, no more sleepless nights and no more plethora of concepts and questions ringing in one's mind to prepare for the world's toughest undergraduate competition. And with little effort you can get the most "coveted" IIT-brand.

Now have a look at the letters in bold from the news clipping. Our most Hon'ble First Citizen is proud to have expediated funds for the airport of a city in her home-state, introduction of trains in her home-town and now most wonderful of all an IIT in her hometown. Is it same to set up an airport or a train or an IIT?? Let me guess. Mrs. Patil are you planning to re-run for President?? I guess so. Let alone Mrs. Patil. What does Arjun Singh or the Government gain in providing reservations and establishing new and newer IITs or IIMs in spite of country over protests by the very students who are going to be the supposed benefactors of this step??

Just now i talked to my mother and told her about the all-women IIT. She spontaneously responded - "Then it will be easier for your sister to get through." But on second thoughts she says-"But it dilutes the brand." Its a parent's opinion not mine. OK??

Now what can be the only possible honest(if only it is) ambition behind setting up of these institutes? That we want to house more number of world class institutions. Am i right??
Okay, then why doesnt UK start setting up more Oxfords and USA more Harvards?? Why is there a world class university in almost every state or even more than that of US?? Cant they also copy Harvard?? Of course they have better business acumen than us...and they will copy better, i suppose.

Lets go to an average middle class family. For the most elaborate referral i take up mine. I am an IITian. I wanted to be one. But my sister; she always wanted to study arts and go for civil services. Yet she is preparing for IIT. Why?? To secure her career. And also becoz we couldnt think of any other world class institution in India. To study in IIT is a prestige. Better will be to study in Harvard or Oxford; in fact much better than that.
Singapore is copying IIT. China is. Fine. Well done. But is every Indian supposed to be an IITian- an engineer?? Are we never going to have a Harvard stature university in our country? A university which can nurture every stream of studies. Where under one roof we will have research from all fields. I dream of that. Not of an additional IIT.

What i want to say is this:
Leave aside the act of sticking to a brand. Make IITs if the current number is not enough. But not for politics please. If instead of scoring 100 out of 180 you get through in 50, will the brand remain?? I am not saying that those who scored less do not deserve to be engineers but definitely not IITians if you want to value IITians as you do now. Go for other colleges. Let the government concentrate on improving the quality of all colleges. Instead of replicating where you have, renovate where you dont have. Make every university whether it be Arts, Science, Commerce, Medical, Management or Engineering a world class institution; not an IIT. There's nothing in the name. And this is for everyone to understand; the aspirants and the parents.

The IITs have dipped in ranking already. Will diluting it help in any case?? Too many cooks spoil the broth and too many IITs will do nothing but spoil the brand. A new initiative will always pay; only if its original. The concept of IIT paid off becoz it was original. More than required will steal all attraction. Devise new standards for new institutes of national importance, institutes which can house more than engineers only. Make every Indian student dream of studying in an Indian university of world stature; no matter he is good at History or Art; no matter he is weak at science and skipped Maths in his higher secondary.
Let the world know that Indian student community consists of more than IITians who are capable of changing the world.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Fortune and misfortune!!!!

I read an article in newspaper yesterday. It was a small paragraph relating two contrasting events in the life of the author when she feels the difference in which we accept bad and good lucks in our life. One of the incidents was about how once while driving she just avoided a falling tree come crashing on her car. People told her she had been lucky but she maintained her calm and thought that it was only because she was careful that she was saved. On another instance she missed a prize by just a few seconds and kept cursing her bad luck for several long hours. Its often that we tend to forget our good fortune and only count our bad luck.

I underwent a similar feeling a few days ago. Those who know me must be knowing what i am referring to and for those who dont- i got my FT(foreign training-internship) cancelled, my aunt(mausi died after 8 days struggle for her life in hospital) and i caught measles(was hence admitted in the hospital for the first time in my life)- all in the span of hardly 15 days. My friends and family know how much i have grumbled for it. Feeling that i have been drained out completely; that my life has been full of misfortunes...i even began counting them once recollecting the last few yrs and when i failed to find any major one convinced myself that however trivial they were they had affected my life in a major way.

Yesterday i wondered was not it the same attitude...the natural human behavior to remember of the times when you were hurt and not when you hurt someone or may be you were saved. Science says that our brain has a tendency to forget the bad and remember the good. I wonder if it is so. Have you ever fallen in or seen a quarrel or just a heated up discussion between two people(even the bestest of friends)? Of course everyone of us has had. At that moment isnt it a tendency to remember all the bad done to you by that person rather than the times he/she has been good to you? We tend to forget the favors coming to us rather than those we might do. I also did the same mistake. Today my life hasnt changed. It is going on as it might have gone even if i had not grumbled. Grumbling helped me on no terms. I still feel depressed to think of all that happened but then its not going to remain for ever. My life has given me better instances to remember and be happy and proud of. I need to cherish them not these!!!! :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Life!!! when it ends!!

Its one of those times when i can and should cry...But i am not feeling that way. I wanted to cry yesterday when i thought i could do something and was not able to do...when i thought i could change something. People cry when they are helpless...when they know nothing can be done....but I......i cried when i thought something can be done and was not being done. Why am i not touched today?? Its not that i am happy now. I am sad but again i am living my life the usual way...the daily way. I am tensed but i dont know how to express it. Somehow i am feeling detached dunno what to do or what to say to anyone.
Seems like life is teaching me a lesson...challenging me..defeating me. Warning me not to challenge why it ends and when. I have gone through a strange experience. A feeling when a fish is kept out of water to die. The restlessness to be back there and save what you are losing. And then when you reach the extreme of it...when you feel the end is near you struggle even more and then......everything ends. You have just missed the last opportunity to do something if only it could have been done.

I know i have no right to be affected so much and i am not. I know there are people who will miss her more than me. Who had a right over her ; a need for her more than me. But dont i deserve to have my share of a loss? How can i ever fill up those gaps? How can i not do what i hated before and repent now? How? What did i do not to make it happen. Perhaps i could have done more. And my tragedy is i cant even say i can do.

Voids...Yeah now i have learnt to accept voids in our life. Voids we will never be able to fill and voids which will continue to grow in number with time. How much like a mute onlooker it seems to wait and watch and be unable to prevent someone dear to you leave you forever!!
In the course of this whole life god knows how many we will see go away some timely and others so very untimely. And what do we do when it all happens?? Cry?? Huhhh.. whats the use now?
Life is too strong to be affected. And death too powerful to turn back. Everyone will learn to compensate. NO use to cry now. There is noone to take heed of the tears..

Just wait and watch!!Life has many more in store for you........

Sometimes doesnt it seem better if I were the first one to least i wouldnt have had to have this feeling....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life and Care

Life-the most wonderful gift of God. It is abstract, it is precious,yet we always take it for granted; leave it to be governed at fate's discretion. We never realize how far we go from ourselves and our own self: so far that we fail to recognize even ourselves.

"What is this life so full of care;
We have no time to stand and stare."
We often encounter people humming these lines. These are the people who regret their life; their living. But do you realize when and how this care became a burden?

Aren't we born to care- care for our parents, our friends, sisters, brothers, family and then children, grandparents and all. We take this as a liability but think of the pleasure it brings to the one being cared for and to you as well. When you love someone or something its care is a pleasure but when you don't it appears a burden. Why do we do so? To be loved and cared for is what every human seeks. When you love you get love. And when you dont how can you expect to have so? Here the words of Mark Twain come rushing down the memory lane from my class-10th English Literature book. He remarks-" Work is anything we do not want to do and play that we want to. That is why threading a needle is work while climbing Mount Blanc is fun."

So all we need to do is change our attitude; to change our perspective towards whatever we do. And then of course life will no longer be a burden.....and we definitely will have time to stand and stare...